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Parish Council Elections

1 March 2019

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Every four years Parish Councillors are required to stand down and then, if they wish, stand for re-election. The past four-year tenure is almost up and during March, April and May 2019 the election process will be followed. Nomination papers will be available from late February/early March and can be obtained from your local Parish Clerk (see below). These have to be hand delivered to East Suffolk DC (the offices opposite Melton Station) by 4.00pm on 3rd April; no posting, faxing or e-mailing is permitted.

Once the nominations deadline passes, ESDC will then assess how many nominations they have received for each Parish Council. If there are the same or fewer nominations for the number of seats, these candidates will automatically be elected without a poll being taken. Where there are more candidates than there are seats, then a poll must be held. For example, within Tunstall Parish Council there are 9 seats on the Council. If there are 9 or fewer candidates, then these people will automatically be elected to office. If there are 10 or more candidates, then there will be a poll. Any polls will be held on 2nd May, alongside the District Council elections.

If you are interested in being a Parish Councillor there are eligibility criteria (set by national legislation):

Candidates MUST be over 18 and MUST be either a British or Irish Citizen or a citizen of a member state of the EC (this may change after 29th March!). In addition, Candidates MUST then qualify in one (or more) of the following ways:

  • Be on the electoral register for the parish, or
  • In the whole of the last 12 months:
    • Occupied land/premises or
    • Resided in the parish or within 4.8KM of it or
    • Had their principle place of work in the area


So, are you up for a challenge? If you are please contact your local Parish Council Clerk who can give you further information and assistance