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Parish Council

Tunstall Parish Council is here to serve all residents of Tunstall and aims to be as accessible as possible. If you would like to speak to the Clerk, Tiffany Pollock, please contact her in the following ways:

  • call on 01728 688816 
  • e-mail at pcclerktunstall@gmail.com
  • write to: Mrs Tiffany Pollock, 1 CountryLife Cottage, Orford Road, Tunstall, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 2JA

The Councillors who serve Tunstall:


 Dr. Karol Silovsky

Vice-Chair David Broomfield
Councillors Kevin Ross
  Oliver Morgan
  Neil Gilbert
  Ben French
  Patrick Spencer
  John Denny

County and District Councillors:

Suffolk County Councillor: Andrew Reid Tel:07545 423799

East Suffolk Councillor: Tim Wilson Tel: 07787 121 854

Our Responsibilities

The Parish Council’s responsibilities include:

  • Finance - We responsible for the approval and monitoring of Council expenditure, annually analysing future funding requirements and recommending the precept to be raised. also arranging insurance of parish property, loans and donations and other associated activities requiring finance.
  • Parish Property - The Council look after the village sign, the bus shelter in Woodbridge Road, Tunstall Common,  three notice-boards, the triangle at Snape Bridge and certain footpaths.
  • Planning — The Parish Council receives and considers all Planning Applications relating to the parish. Recommendations from the Council either in support of the application or as objections, are passed to East Suffolk Council who, as Planning Authority, take note of these comments in their determination of the application. A full list of planning applications considered by the Parish Council can be viewed on East Suffolk Council Planning Portal
  • Highways - The Parish Council liaises with the local highway authority on matters such as road condition and cleaning, signposting etc.