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Parish Council Elections

1 March 2019

Every four years Parish Councillors are required to stand down and then, if they wish, stand for re-election. The past four-year tenure is almost up and during March, April and May 2019 the election process will be followed. Nomination papers will be available from late February/early March and can be obtained from your local Parish Clerk (see below). These have to be hand delivered to East Suffolk DC (the offices opposite Melton Station) by 4.00pm on 3rd April; no posting, faxing or e-mailing is permitted.

Read more on Parish Council Elections

Tunstall Litter Pick

6 February 2019

You are invited to take part in the First Annual Tunstall Litter Pick. We will be turning on the ‘Womble style’ on Saturday 23rd March, starting from the Community Centre Car Park at 1.00pm. Please bring gloves and wear very bright clothing (preferably hi-vis). Bags and picking sticks will be provided.

Read more on Tunstall Litter Pick

Extra PC Meeting

1 December 2018

Tunstall Parish Council will be holding an extra meeting on Monday 17th December, 6.00pm in the Community Hall Committee Room, to discuss a Planning Application. The agenda's will be up on 11th December. ALl welcome

Read more on Extra PC Meeting

Changes to Suffolk Constabulary

6 August 2018

There have been some recent changes to Suffolk Constabulary; you can read all about there here.

Read more on Changes to Suffolk Constabulary

Rounders and Picnic Event

31 July 2018

A Rounders and Picnic event is planned for Saturday 25th August, 2.00pm at the Recreation Ground. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Read more on Rounders and Picnic Event

Green Man for sale

6 July 2018

Mr and Mrs Hazelton have notified both Tunstall Parish Council and Suffolk Coastal District Council that the Green Man Inn is now on the market. The sale details can be found here.

Read more on Green Man for sale

How would you spend £30,000 in Tunstall?

24 June 2018

Whenever there is a large development in a village the builder is required to pay a levy to the District Council, to help provide amenities in the area. Part of this levy goes in to a ‘pot’ for Sports provision and part in to a ‘pot’ for Play provision.

Read more on How would you spend £30,000 in Tunstall?

Annual Parish Meeting

26 April 2018

The Tunstall Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th May at 7.00pm in the Community Centre Committee Room. This is not a Parish Council meeting but a meeting of the Parish. We look forward to seeing you there.

Read more on Annual Parish Meeting

Green Man registered as an Asset of Community Value

5 April 2018

Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC) have confirmed to Tunstall Parish Council that the Green Man Inn has been added to the Register of Assets of Community Value. 

Read more on Green Man registered as an Asset of Community Value